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VS Code

Nice VScode addons

alefragnani.project-manager - this combined with raycast allows really easy project switching
alexdima.copy-relative-path. - file management help
aliariff.vscode-erb-beautify - syntax beautifying
BriteSnow.vscode-toggle-quotes - utility for rotating between quotes
esbenp.prettier-vscode - auto js formating/rules
kaiwood.endwise - auto closing tags
mikestead.dotenv - syntax highlighting
bung87.vscode-gemfile - syntax highlighting
ms-vscode.sublime-keybindings - easier migration from sublime
rebornix.ruby - default language support
sianglim.slim - syntax highlighting
sleistner.vscode-fileutils - easy file management
testdouble.vscode-standard-ruby - ruby auto formating
Thadeu.vscode-run-rspec-file- run single/file/all spec tests
tmikoss.rails-latest-migration - quick find latest migration
vscode-icons-team.vscode-icons - pretty file icons
wingrunr21.vscode-ruby - syntax highlighting
zhuangtongfa.material-theme - old dark atom theme
ZneuRay.erb-vscode-snippets - erb snippets

full credit to Matt B.